Our Gatherings
Sunday Worship
We meet together to worship in church every Sunday morning at 10.45.
The third Sunday of every month is our service of Holy Communion.
We enjoy refreshments and fellowship after the service.
Worship Group
1 Corinthians 14:26 – when you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.
Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.
The Worship Group was formed to enable more active participation in our worship.
Since our inception, we have led many services in which enthusiastic contribution is key.
We meet on Tuesday evenings at 6.30.
Each of our meetings includes a period of prayer.
Although our purpose is to serve the church, Jesus is always front and centre.
Singing Group
We are blessed to have Tony Poole leading our small group.
We sing a wide range of songs and make up for any lack of talent or training with our enthusiasm.
We have worked on pieces to perform at the beginning of services and we aim to practice the hymns for the next service.
We meet on Wednesday evenings.
For further details, please email us or message our Facebook page.
Deacons’ Meetings
The deacons meet approximately monthly, to deal with the administration of the church.
Members are invited to give their thoughts, ideas and concerns to the deacons to be included on their agenda.
Church Meetings
Church meetings are held not less than four times in a year.
Although the meetings are open, only church members may vote on any decisions.
The church meeting is the ultimate human authority within our church.
Members are invited to give their thoughts, ideas and concerns to the deacons to be included on their agenda.
They may also raise any issues under Any Other Business.
Coffee Morning
Every Tuesday and Saturday morning 10am-12pm the church opens for coffee and biscuits. Additionally, on the first Saturday of the month there's a stall full of delicious homemade cakes. It's a lovely space to drop in have a chat and take some time out.
Toddler Group
If you have pre school children and want to bring them to a safe place with fun activities, a friendly atmosphere, and some time to have a chat to others, this will be a great space.
The group is £3.00 per family or child-minder and runs from 9:30-11:30am every Monday morning (school term time only).
We are currently FULL. As soon as a vacancy becomes available we will update our website